Restoration works on the roof of Department of Prehistory in the National Museum of B&H completed


In the beginning of this year, the restoration works on the roof of Department of Prehistory in the National Museum of B&H were completed, which included replacing the used-up wooden structure and the existing cover by sheet metal that has a longer life span.

The works on the restoration of ceiling and wall paintings, which are a rare example of preserved Art Nouveau paintings on the ground of Bosnia and Herzegovina, preceded the renovation of the roof. In addition, restoration of the concrete balustrade fences on outer terraces of the museum complex was done and a fire protection and video surveillance system were introduced as well as a part of the preventive conservation of the museum collections.

The completion of works on restoration of wall and ceiling paintings and the procurement of equipment1 for preventive conservation of collections will create the conditions for setting up an exhibition in the halls of the Department of Prehistory that has been closed to the public since 1992.

All project activities are related to preventive conservation which aims to prevent, stop or slow down the deterioration of the museum collections by introducing high standards of care and creating optimal conditions for their preservation.

The project "Preventive Conservation of the Collections of National Museum of BiH in Sarajevo" was implemented by the Commission to Preserve National Monuments, and the funds were donated by the special U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, through the US Embassy in BiH. The total amount of the project is USD 625,000.00 (BAM 1,070,000.00).

More information:

1 The equipment for measuring and regulation