Completion of the roof rehabilitation of the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina


At the beginning of August, rehabilitation works on the part of the roof (so called "cube") of the Historical Museum in Sarajevo were completed. Special U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, through the US Embassy in BiH, donated $ 66,850 for these works.

The Commission to Preserve National Monuments in cooperation with the Historical Museum was the carrier of all activities. By the Contract, signed in April 2015, between the Commission to Preserve National Monuments and the US Embassy in BiH, activities and type of works were defined. Following the completion of bidding procedures, development of roof rehabilitation project was trusted to the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo, whereas construction works were assigned to the company Neimari d.o.o. from Sarajevo.

The historic structure – the Building of the Museum of revolution (the building of the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in Sarajevo has high ambient and historical value within the context of the townscape ensemble of Marijin Dvor in Sarajevo.

The building is a result of creative expression of a renowned school of architecture from Zagreb and presents one of the most remarkable works within the field of contemporary art of the second half of the twentieth century in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond, when a great economic momentum was noticeable, influencing also the field of culture and architectural creativity. Works on the construction of the museum began in 1959 and ended in 1963.

The Commission to Preserve National Monuments, at the session held from 6 to 8 November 2012, adopted the Decision to proclaim the Historic ensemble – the building of the Museum of revolution (the building of the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in Sarajevo a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Over the past decades, the building of the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina did not have adequate maintenance and investment in order to be able to remove damage incurred in the 1992-95 war, as well as consequences of material "fatigue" (the roof was leaking and heating installation did not function, stone slabs started to fall from the facades ...). In early 2012, heavy snowfalls further deteriorated the situation, especially the roof structure. Emergency intervention prevented its collapse above the main exhibition space, however leaking in the object has not been stopped successfully.

Works on repair of the roof and the cube will prevent further degradation of the building. For the purpose of permanent protection of this national monument it is necessary to carry out other conservation and restoration works or works of routine maintenance.

We wish to emphasize that this project represents a significant contribution to the identity of the city of Sarajevo, and also the contribution to preservation of Bosnian and Herzegovinian cultural heritage. In addition to its importance for implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it presents a continuation of a successful long-term cooperation between the Commission to Preserve National Monuments of BiH and the Government of the United States, which has been carried out through the US Embassy in Sarajevo.